Episode 36

Published on:

23rd Sep 2021

Should Podcast Editors Attend In-Person Conferences? – PEM0036

In-person conferences can be expensive. In addition to the ticket, there's also travel, hotels, and food. For freelance podcast editors, that can be a pretty big expense.

And now, with more concern about travel, we have to ask ourselves if it's worth it.

Of course, we can't answer that for you, but we did talk with Steve Stewart and Mark Deal of the Podcast Editors Club and Podcast Editor Academy about why it's worth it for them...and a few things we'd like to see tweaked.

Listen to Discover

  • The value we see in in-person conferences.
  • Some hacks for getting out of our own way.
  • Why the second conference is often better than the first.
  • The value of volunteering.
  • Some things we'd like to see tweaked.
  • What we'd like to share with Jared and Dan of Podcast Movement.

Links & Resources

Guest Editor

This episode of the Podcast Editors Mastermind was edited by Bryan Entzminger of Top Tier Audio.

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About the Podcast Editors Mastermind

The Podcast Editors Mastermind is for professional podcast editors who want to grow their business and get more clients. We’re creating a community of like-minded professionals that are passionate about the art and science of editing podcasts.

Our goal is to help you build your business by providing tools, resources, and support so you can focus on what matters most—your craft. This isn’t just another group where everyone talks about how great they are at podcast editing; we show our work!

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Carrie Caulfield Arick:

So how much

Steve Stewart:

is that?

Bryan Entzminger:

So, hi and welcome to the podcast.

Bryan Entzminger:

Editors mastermind brought to you.

Bryan Entzminger:

Not live.

Bryan Entzminger:

We're recording on site at podcast movement, 2021 in the HubSpot booth.

Bryan Entzminger:

And for the life of me, I can't come up with a good way to open the show.

Bryan Entzminger:

So here we are.

Bryan Entzminger:

That is it.

Bryan Entzminger:


Bryan Entzminger:

I'm Brian.

Bryan Entzminger:

It's bringing, you can find me at top tier audio.

Bryan Entzminger:

Joining me from the mastermind is I'm

Carrie Caulfield Arick:


Carrie coffee on Eric.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:


You can find me@yayapodcasting.com

Bryan Entzminger:

and we have two special guests with us.

Bryan Entzminger:

One is Steve Stewart.

Bryan Entzminger:

The other is mark deal both from the podcast editor academy.

Bryan Entzminger:

So we just wanted to take a couple minutes to talk about.

Bryan Entzminger:

The value of a live conference.

Bryan Entzminger:

We've all come out of COVID over the last year, we spent time doing the virtual

Bryan Entzminger:

conferences and experiencing all the joy of that or the, not so much joy.

Bryan Entzminger:

So we're talking about live conferences, what's the value.

Bryan Entzminger:

So I'll just throw that out there.

Bryan Entzminger:

We'll start with.

Bryan Entzminger:

Why do you come to a live conference?

Bryan Entzminger:

What's in it for you

Mark Deal:

to reengage with old friends, such as YouTube.

Mark Deal:

I haven't seen you in a year and a half March 6th, 2020.

Mark Deal:

And to be able to see you in person, it just, I think reconnects that, that

Mark Deal:

relationship, as well as meeting new people and perhaps even some that you've

Mark Deal:

met and engaged with online, because maybe I've spent a little bit more time

Mark Deal:

on social media in the last year and a half because of something or other.

Mark Deal:

And now these people that I have relationships.

Mark Deal:

I am able to see them in person at a live event.

Mark Deal:

And it makes it much deeper for me.

Mark Deal:

I work with a number of people on some special projects

Mark Deal:

that usually generate money.

Mark Deal:

And I prefer to, to work with people that I've met in person.

Bryan Entzminger:

So let's pause there for just a second.

Bryan Entzminger:

Cause you mentioned people who have you met.

Bryan Entzminger:

That's been like you you're just going, Hey, I'm really glad I met this person.

Mark Deal:

Person that I have met this year.

Mark Deal:

Honestly, I would have to look at my app.

Mark Deal:

Cause one of the things I do is I text them, you know, their name.

Mark Deal:

Hey, this is, this is mark deal.

Mark Deal:

We spoke about the topic we spoke about.

Mark Deal:

And then later in the evening, I go back through.

Mark Deal:

There's a dozen, a couple dozen.

Mark Deal:

So I'll be honest, the names aren't jumping out at me right now,

Mark Deal:

but I've got a few in my phone.

Mark Deal:

Like, oh, I need to follow up with this.

Mark Deal:

I remembered there's a Seth with fireside, Seth.

Mark Deal:

If you're listening to this, I'm definitely looking forward to following

Mark Deal:

up with you now, the couple of dozen or other people that I've reached out to

Mark Deal:

that we've had discussions with today and I'm like, oh, I'll follow up with you.

Mark Deal:

If I can't think of your name off the top of my head.

Mark Deal:

I can't remember.

Mark Deal:


Mark Deal:

That's what they app is good

Bryan Entzminger:


Bryan Entzminger:

And I think one of those relationships from a few years ago is actually.

Bryan Entzminger:


Bryan Entzminger:

Steve, do you mind, I know you've told this story before, but do you mind telling

Bryan Entzminger:

a little bit about how that happened?

Bryan Entzminger:


Steve Stewart:

mark and I met?

Steve Stewart:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Steve Stewart:

We were.

Steve Stewart:

I met your mother.

Steve Stewart:

I got off the plane on the way from Dallas Fort worth to the

Steve Stewart:

very first podcast movement.

Steve Stewart:

Got on a shuttle back before Uber and they had to go to the other

Steve Stewart:

gate, picked up some more people.

Steve Stewart:

These two guys get in, they're talking about podcasting.

Steve Stewart:

So I immediately he's like, oh, you're going to buy guest movement.

Steve Stewart:

We're all like, yeah, if I get some movement.

Steve Stewart:

So I saw mark a couple of times in the hallways there got to know.

Steve Stewart:

By name and by face, he was referred to as a Tim Ferriss.

Steve Stewart:

Cause he looked like Tim Ferriss at the time.

Steve Stewart:


Steve Stewart:

That's right.

Steve Stewart:


Steve Stewart:

And then he was also going to another conference that I attend very frequently,

Steve Stewart:

shortly after that, because he was interested in the speakers there.

Steve Stewart:

So just that second meeting was really the payoff where we got to know

Steve Stewart:

each other outside of one situation.

Steve Stewart:

And then from there it just had been a friendship and then morphed into,

Steve Stewart:

Hey, Mark's got this great idea.

Steve Stewart:

I think I should probably take.

Mark Deal:


Mark Deal:

So it wasn't the first meeting, the first meeting starts the relationship,

Mark Deal:

but it's like rekindling seeing people in person over and over again,

Mark Deal:

like we've got to do this thing.

Mark Deal:


Mark Deal:

And they're the first you think of, and there's a special opportunity.

Mark Deal:

Like, oh, I remember that person.

Mark Deal:

I've seen a couple of times at live events

Bryan Entzminger:

and we talked a little bit about the value of meeting people.

Bryan Entzminger:

What about USI?

Bryan Entzminger:

Why do you come to in-person conferences?

Steve Stewart:

I used to come here to, uh, to learn how to do things

Steve Stewart:

or do things better, you know, the sessions and I've graduated past many.

Steve Stewart:

If you were to ask me today, you know, what sessions you're interested in,

Steve Stewart:

there's almost nothing new there.

Steve Stewart:

And it's almost more like I go to the sessions to see the people I already

Steve Stewart:

know unlike and see them perform.

Steve Stewart:

So then now there's the expo area, which is where a lot of the booths

Steve Stewart:

are for the people who have products and services for, you know, for here.

Steve Stewart:

It's for podcasters.

Steve Stewart:

And I get to talk with them as well to see if there's any kind of

Steve Stewart:

connection, but really it's just the, no, what else is going in industry?

Steve Stewart:

So now I'm learning more about the industry, not just the.

Steve Stewart:

The art of podcasting.

Steve Stewart:

And of course I don't podcast any more.

Steve Stewart:

So I don't really have a need to learn much about podcasting, but for me

Steve Stewart:

personally, now, as a, I don't want to call myself a service provider, but we

Steve Stewart:

have this community provide guest editors.

Steve Stewart:

So I'm trying to connect this community with podcasters and

Steve Stewart:

maybe get some people, some gigs.

Steve Stewart:

That's the big path I'm having this year with a booth and all

Steve Stewart:

this other stuff that, that I'm coordinating behind the scenes.

Bryan Entzminger:


Bryan Entzminger:


Carrie Caulfield Arick:

of the things that I have been really learning,

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

and that surprised me because this wasn't, my expectation is in talking

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

to podcasters and talking to service providers and just kind of doing the

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

hallway track, which is basically, you're not going into the sessions.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

And, you know, talking to people is hearing what.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

Comes up over and over again, that podcasters and the people

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

start bringing them say they need.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

And one of the things I came hearing over and over again, our editors, editors,

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

editors, editors, where do I find editors?

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

And I'm like, Hmm, I know where you can find

Steve Stewart:

some great communities full

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

of them.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:


Carrie Caulfield Arick:


Carrie Caulfield Arick:

So making those connections, I think it's, and it's not just

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

about making the connections.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

It's also about hearing.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

As the industry grows, how are the needs of that industry changing

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

of our industry are changing.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

So that was a surprising

Steve Stewart:


Steve Stewart:

See, Carrie's definitely got the overarching view of what she should be

Steve Stewart:

doing, what we all should be doing here.

Steve Stewart:

And that's advancing the podcasting industry and that's, that's fantastic.

Steve Stewart:


Steve Stewart:


Bryan Entzminger:

I hear you, as far as like the connections, you mentioned

Bryan Entzminger:

that you also mentioned that I know I've met a couple of hosts that I

Bryan Entzminger:

don't think are a great fit for me.

Bryan Entzminger:


Bryan Entzminger:

But I know some editors that I can say.

Bryan Entzminger:

You might be a great fit for, for example, Daniel, I thought

Bryan Entzminger:

one was a great fit for him.

Bryan Entzminger:

There was another person I met that I'm like, okay, well, at

Bryan Entzminger:

least I can make those connections.

Bryan Entzminger:

I thought that I was going to be coming to learn more about some of the marketing

Bryan Entzminger:

and some of the stuff that I'm not super strong in to help my clients, right.

Bryan Entzminger:

Not so much to grow my shows, but to help them with theirs.

Bryan Entzminger:

What I've discovered is.

Bryan Entzminger:

Like Steve, in some of these, I'm probably past what's being presented here

Bryan Entzminger:

and I really needed to go deeper, but still being able to be involved in the

Bryan Entzminger:

recording booth, like what we're seeing here right now, I get to talk to a lot of

Bryan Entzminger:

podcasters, find out what they're doing and just kind of see that kind of stuff.

Bryan Entzminger:

So it's been really, really a cool experience for me and

Bryan Entzminger:

also being from Nashville.

Bryan Entzminger:

I really couldn't not come because no excuses.

Bryan Entzminger:


Bryan Entzminger:

We've been here for several days, Carrie, this is your first day here.

Bryan Entzminger:

What's the, if you had like one thing that you would take away, if the conference

Bryan Entzminger:

dropped today, what would be the biggest thing you think you'd take away?

Bryan Entzminger:

I'll start with you.

Bryan Entzminger:


Carrie Caulfield Arick:

I would take away that the number of podcast networks are

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

growing and again, they need editors.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

They need people that they can and not just editors, but project managers.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:


Carrie Caulfield Arick:

So they need a staff and the people running the networks need

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

to focus on the high value work.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

Not the editing is not high value, but, but what they're good at and what's

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

going to make them money and there's opportunity here for editors to grow,

Steve Stewart:

grow, grow.

Steve Stewart:

So these are networks, not just people having shows in a group, but

Steve Stewart:

having they network providing services to the podcast in their network.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:


Carrie Caulfield Arick:

And that's almost like easy stuff.

Steve Stewart:

Yeah, right.

Steve Stewart:

I wouldn't be studying.

Bryan Entzminger:

And that's a totally different model from one

Bryan Entzminger:

where the host owns the show.

Bryan Entzminger:


Bryan Entzminger:

If the network owns the show, that's different because the host can change and

Bryan Entzminger:

the show can continue, which is totally.

Bryan Entzminger:

Uh, what about you, mark?

Bryan Entzminger:

What would, what would you take away is like the one big thing from this.

Bryan Entzminger:

If I were to leave

Mark Deal:

today, and again, we've got a couple more days and who knows what's

Mark Deal:

in store for us, but as of today I've been working a lot with some of the

Mark Deal:

companies that have, uh, exhibits here.

Mark Deal:

And Steve and I are working on a cool, special promotion for December.

Mark Deal:

And so far, we've already racked up.

Mark Deal:

Every company we've talked to has said yes, as far as giveaway

Mark Deal:

for editors, because they now.

Mark Deal:

And we're not like the people in the dark corners like, oh, podcasts, editors, you

Mark Deal:

are the people that make the good shows.

Mark Deal:

Sound great.

Mark Deal:


Mark Deal:

We want to be a part of that.

Mark Deal:

What can we give to the podcast editor community?

Mark Deal:

So every company I've talked to says, yes, sign us up for five instead of one.

Mark Deal:

So we're looking forward to taking all that, uh, that love

Mark Deal:

for editors and then paying it back to the community in December.

Mark Deal:

And that's, as of today, I'm, I'm excited with the next couple of days.

Mark Deal:

We're going to bring yeah.

Steve Stewart:

Uh, what was the question?

Steve Stewart:

Cause I know is I heard a bunch of cool stuff Mark's going to do for me.

Bryan Entzminger:

And he's going to take away is all those things, right?

Bryan Entzminger:

He's got it

Steve Stewart:

all covered.

Steve Stewart:

I don't have to do anything, but

Bryan Entzminger:

show up.

Bryan Entzminger:

I think it's the conference ended today.

Bryan Entzminger:

What's like the one thing that you go, man, this is the thing I'm happy to

Steve Stewart:

take away from.

Steve Stewart:

Well, my biggest goal for this conference, it was, it was threefold.

Steve Stewart:

I actually wanted to help podcast movement because it's not easy

Steve Stewart:

throwing on a conference post COVID.

Steve Stewart:

Right now at this time that you're recording, there's been a research and a

Steve Stewart:

Delta variant and attendance is dropping because people there's flights canceled.

Steve Stewart:

And then there's worries about coronavirus there.

Steve Stewart:

They're not making as much money as they used to.

Steve Stewart:

And they've got basic costs.

Steve Stewart:

They got to cover.

Steve Stewart:

So I wanted to support them by doing something.

Steve Stewart:

So I sponsored a booth, but it made no sense to sponsor a booth for myself.

Steve Stewart:

I'm not looking for clients here.

Steve Stewart:

I've already got that covered with the other expo that I go to.

Steve Stewart:

So I thought, well, what about having a booth for the podcast there's club

Steve Stewart:

on Facebook promoting a Facebook group, ma where's the value in that?

Steve Stewart:

So mark hand, I have the podcast at our academy.

Steve Stewart:

I thought, well, let's make the academy sponsor the booth and let's

Steve Stewart:

give the booth to the editors in our community to be able to softly pitch

Steve Stewart:

people who walk by their services.

Steve Stewart:

Cause you got ask the editor is a sign that we have backed behind the.

Steve Stewart:

And any podcasts or walks by can ask these people questions.

Steve Stewart:

Our editors that are Manning the booth are the experts now.

Steve Stewart:

And it's a very easy introduction to a conversation.

Steve Stewart:

And if the editor does a really good job answering the podcasters question,

Steve Stewart:

maybe they start working together.

Steve Stewart:


Steve Stewart:

Maybe they need someone to write show notes.

Steve Stewart:

Maybe they need an editor.

Steve Stewart:

Maybe they need a podcast manager.

Steve Stewart:

That relationship that started here today might actually pay off next year.

Steve Stewart:

It might pay off next.

Steve Stewart:

But there've been connections I have made in the past that these conferences

Steve Stewart:

that have paid off usually a year later is because that in-person

Steve Stewart:

meeting the in-person conversation.

Steve Stewart:

You're a real person.

Steve Stewart:

You're not just somebody putting up a webpage, making yourself look good.

Steve Stewart:

You're actually a real person in front of them.

Steve Stewart:

So my takeaway is those relationships have already been going on.

Steve Stewart:

We've already made connections in the past two days.

Steve Stewart:

That would never have happened online and a zoom call.

Steve Stewart:


Steve Stewart:

Yeah, totally.

Bryan Entzminger:


Bryan Entzminger:

Did you have something that, you

Mark Deal:

know, as Steve was talking about this, it's not just, are they

Mark Deal:

getting some good leads, but also some of these new up and coming

Mark Deal:

professional editors, it's a little bit of a, uh, exhibited judo, right?

Mark Deal:

So Steve and I don't have to man, the booth the entire time people

Mark Deal:

in our community do, we don't need to sell academy memberships.

Mark Deal:

We need to promote the editors themselves.

Mark Deal:

So, but even the one.

Mark Deal:

Like say every person they talk to, maybe it's not the best lead or the

Mark Deal:

proper fit for their show, but they practice their quick service offering

Mark Deal:

pitch many, many, many times in an hour.

Mark Deal:

So when people are walking by, you know, we've been showing them like,

Mark Deal:

Hey, just don't sit behind a booth, but you know, stand up in front of it.

Mark Deal:

And we kind of set up our booth that way as people walk by like, Hey, you

Mark Deal:

have any questions about editing?

Mark Deal:

And some people are like, no, no, thanks.

Mark Deal:

Now people are like, yeah, you know, I've got this problem.

Mark Deal:

And that starts a discussion about.

Mark Deal:

And perhaps they become a lead and some of the new up and coming editors,

Mark Deal:

people that have been professionally editing for about a year, not each one

Mark Deal:

of those is turned into a, like a hot lead, or this is going to be my next

Mark Deal:

client, but they have refined their pitch as it were over the course of one.

Mark Deal:

So in one hour, they started from like, I don't like talking about myself as a

Mark Deal:

podcast editor and the editor of the hour is like, I know exactly how to approach a

Mark Deal:

person, talk to a person, introduce them a podcast editor, and that I can help them.

Mark Deal:

And that happens in one hour.

Mark Deal:

It's it's like, uh, a hotspot for service

Steve Stewart:


Steve Stewart:

And if I could, I've got to give kudos to Carrie and she podcasts live.

Steve Stewart:

That community came up with an idea that we were trying to do a little

Steve Stewart:

bit when we were at podcast live in 2019, but we were more promoting

Steve Stewart:

the podcast ciders conference at the time, but she podcasts also had the

Steve Stewart:

coaching corner, which featured a lot of editors for an hour at a time.

Steve Stewart:

And, and they were sitting there just answering questions.

Steve Stewart:

So we've kind of morphed that idea into what we're doing as well.

Steve Stewart:


Steve Stewart:

Carrie, you are the inspiration.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

Thank you.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:


Steve Stewart:

makes India Chicago song.

Bryan Entzminger:

I mean, I thought I was wearing your shirt, but

Bryan Entzminger:

turns out I'm not, and we've got

Steve Stewart:

finishing to use this idea, so we're going to run

Steve Stewart:

with it and, uh, it's gonna benefit.

Steve Stewart:

We're gonna do this as she podcasts live too.

Steve Stewart:

So it's going to come back to, um, September 20, 21 in Phoenix.

Steve Stewart:

No Phoenix Scottsdale.

Steve Stewart:

I'll be there at

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

the booth.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:


Carrie Caulfield Arick:

What's been amazing to me is just seeing, so these editors who I knew like just a

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

year ago, or a couple of years ago, who were very like, nervous about pitching

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

and talking to potential clients in these kind of like consultation booth, because

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

I think she, podcasts lives was 2018.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

So like those, those editors and, and to seeing the.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:


Carrie Caulfield Arick:

You see the growth.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

It's pretty amazing.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

So after that first hour, they just, I mean, they're just off to the races.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

So, I mean, I would recommend anybody come to a conference and participate in this,

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

like fill up those booth slots because

Steve Stewart:

it's amazing.

Steve Stewart:


Steve Stewart:

And having been part of many conferences, mostly as an attendee and recently

Steve Stewart:

just being involved in some of the way I've seen so many times where somebody

Steve Stewart:

comes through the first year as an.

Steve Stewart:

And they're nervous and they're shy and they don't talk to anybody,

Steve Stewart:

but then the next year they come out and they're just gangbusters.

Steve Stewart:

They've gotten another community somehow virtually, you know, they

Steve Stewart:

connect on Twitter and things like that.

Steve Stewart:

And they always say, I wish I wasn't so shy the first time around.

Steve Stewart:

And you know, the, some of the things that we're doing here today, and then

Steve Stewart:

even just knowing someone who's doing these things, we can just kind of break

Steve Stewart:

somebody out of their mold, whether they're an introvert or not, it's going

Steve Stewart:

to pay off by the second day because there can be a little more interested

Steve Stewart:

in gleaning outside of their own shell.

Steve Stewart:

And talking to people and that's the key

Carrie Caulfield Arick:


about what you love.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:



Carrie Caulfield Arick:


I mean, that is amazing in and of

Steve Stewart:


Steve Stewart:


Steve Stewart:

And the beauty is it can happen in the hallways.

Steve Stewart:

It doesn't have to have an expo floor or booth or any track.

Steve Stewart:

The hallway track is so pot.

Steve Stewart:

It's weird that we spend a lot of money to go talk to people in hallways.

Bryan Entzminger:


Bryan Entzminger:


Bryan Entzminger:

I probably could have done the entire conference without actually doing any

Bryan Entzminger:

sessions and it would still be valuable to me even if I don't get any business

Bryan Entzminger:

out of it, because like the takeaway.

Bryan Entzminger:

It's just how much I love my people.

Bryan Entzminger:

I don't know how else to, to put that.

Bryan Entzminger:

I mean, I, I spent a couple hours walking around with Virginia on

Bryan Entzminger:

the first day, just making sure that she knew some people, right.

Bryan Entzminger:

Plus I get to hang out with her a little bit and then get to hang out with Michael.

Bryan Entzminger:

He got to Michael, Jerry got to speak for the national, uh, the

Bryan Entzminger:

Nashville Podcaster's meetup.

Bryan Entzminger:

And so just getting to see my people in some of them shine

Bryan Entzminger:

and some of them getting to talk to people and then say, Hey.

Bryan Entzminger:

Yeah, you do really cool stuff.

Bryan Entzminger:

You do really cool stuff.

Bryan Entzminger:

Maybe there's nothing between you, but you at least need to know each other.

Bryan Entzminger:

Like you're just cool people.

Bryan Entzminger:

And that for me has been the, okay.

Bryan Entzminger:


Bryan Entzminger:

I'm an introvert.

Bryan Entzminger:


Bryan Entzminger:

I pretend that I don't actually like people, but as it turns

Bryan Entzminger:

out, I do like these people and so that's been really good.

Bryan Entzminger:

I don't really have anything to follow that up with.

Bryan Entzminger:

I wish I feel like I should like a transition or something.

Bryan Entzminger:

Cause that's what a good host would do, but we're stuck here with me, but

Mark Deal:

I think really pointed.

Mark Deal:

I think we all feel that a lot of us like, you know, I really don't like

Mark Deal:

people, but it turns out you just need to find the right people that you like.

Mark Deal:

And for you, you found it here.

Mark Deal:


Bryan Entzminger:


Bryan Entzminger:

I mean, I can think of very few other people that I would want

Bryan Entzminger:

to spend this amount of time with in an unstructured way.

Bryan Entzminger:

And for me, it's been extra special because my family also came and

Bryan Entzminger:

spent a couple of days here.

Bryan Entzminger:


Bryan Entzminger:

Daytime with my people and then evening time with my other people,

Bryan Entzminger:

which is like really, really cool.

Bryan Entzminger:

One of the things you guys mentioned was that whole building relationships and

Bryan Entzminger:

allowing people to shine and providing something with the booth that did that.

Bryan Entzminger:

Um, I'm wondering if you were to think about like from a conference structure

Bryan Entzminger:

standpoint, is there a way to allow or even make space for more of that?

Bryan Entzminger:

What would you do if you were wanting to design that in?

Mark Deal:

I want to jump first.

Mark Deal:

Can I jump first?

Mark Deal:

Yes, because I don't have IDs.

Mark Deal:

And the biggest part of the year is tonight.

Mark Deal:

They need to turn the volume down at parties, especially

Mark Deal:

now with COVID going on.

Mark Deal:

And many people wearing mask don't make it.

Mark Deal:

So you have to shout at each other and then you can't read lips.

Mark Deal:

So turn okay.

Mark Deal:

I'm an old man.

Mark Deal:

I know the person listening right now is like mark deals with old man.

Mark Deal:


Mark Deal:

Get off my law and the music's too loud, but seriously, turn

Mark Deal:

the music down at the parties.

Mark Deal:

Just have enough ambience to where it's like at a speaking beats per minute

Mark Deal:

and have cocktail cables and open.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:


I am totally with you.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:


I'm like turn down the music because I don't get to talk to these

Carrie Caulfield Arick:


people, but like once or twice a

Steve Stewart:

year, I vote for the chocolate fountain chocolate fountains.

Bryan Entzminger:

This is my first podcast movement.

Bryan Entzminger:

So I can't really speak to like what I would want to see.

Bryan Entzminger:

I was at pod Fest last year podcast movement.

Bryan Entzminger:

I will say that there was a significant difference in my

Bryan Entzminger:

comfort level in meeting new people.

Bryan Entzminger:


Bryan Entzminger:

Then there was at pod Fest.

Bryan Entzminger:

Part of that was just because I was really at podcast for a very short

Bryan Entzminger:

amount of time because I had to leave early where I've got more time here.

Bryan Entzminger:

I had the evening before the day before then all the time at the booth.

Bryan Entzminger:

And then also just being forced to talk to people every time they come up

Bryan Entzminger:

to ask me about HubSpot and I try and sign them up for a recording session.

Bryan Entzminger:

So I think having ways that people that are interested in meeting people can

Bryan Entzminger:

serve is definitely a value add for me.

Bryan Entzminger:

Steve, did you have anything besides the volume.

Bryan Entzminger:

Oh, you had chocolate fountain off the phone.

Bryan Entzminger:

Yeah, that's my answer.

Bryan Entzminger:

How could I forget the chocolate fountain?

Bryan Entzminger:

I mean, don't

Steve Stewart:

judge me.

Bryan Entzminger:

No, no.

Bryan Entzminger:

I mean, I can see where from a sanitation standpoint that might creep some

Bryan Entzminger:

people out, but it's chocolate and it's a place where people can talk.

Bryan Entzminger:

I like it.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:


Steve's chocolate fountain.

Steve Stewart:

Let's put it in my hotel room.

Mark Deal:

You know, everyone has a badge.

Mark Deal:

So maybe if there was something on the badge to wear.

Mark Deal:

A scavenger hunt to where you had to find a number of badges that, that

Mark Deal:

spell something and you meet new people while you're doing that, to like spell

Mark Deal:

something on a badge, to force people out of their comfort zone and talk to

Mark Deal:

somebody that maybe they wouldn't walk up to and talk because of the way they look

Mark Deal:

or who else they're hanging out with.

Mark Deal:

They're like, oh, but they've got the letter that I need to complete a word.

Mark Deal:

There's all sorts of fun things you can do.

Mark Deal:

But number one, turn the music down.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

Gosh, what was it?

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

There was a conference and it may have been.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

Cast movement like 20 and 18 or 2018, where like you got, there were prizes.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

If you've scanned so many,

Steve Stewart:

does that every year you go to each of your sheet

Steve Stewart:

and then you put it into a ride.

Steve Stewart:


Carrie Caulfield Arick:

And so you have people are going

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

around, like, can I scan you?

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

Can I, and of course what a way to.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

Make friends with

Mark Deal:


Mark Deal:

And that's great for the boosts because you pay for a build for walking traffic.

Mark Deal:

How do you prove walking traffic?

Mark Deal:

Well, people actually have to come through and scan and say

Mark Deal:

I was here at this booth then.

Mark Deal:


Mark Deal:

That helps us Chris to say, yeah, my booth booth sales at my events get traffic.

Mark Deal:


Mark Deal:


Bryan Entzminger:

So, so I think continuing in the vein of the

Bryan Entzminger:

one thing, cause that's been my thing today is just one thing.

Bryan Entzminger:

Cause we've got like five minutes left.

Bryan Entzminger:

If you could sit down with Jared and.

Bryan Entzminger:

For those listening.

Bryan Entzminger:

They're the organizers nor organizers of the conference.

Bryan Entzminger:

I've been talking all day.

Bryan Entzminger:

And you could just say like one thing to them about the conference.

Bryan Entzminger:

What would you share?

Bryan Entzminger:

We'll start with Kerry.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

Go back to Philadelphia, please.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

I don't want to fly anymore.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

See I

Bryan Entzminger:


disagree, but that's fine.

Mark Deal:

I think I would thank them because I think podcasting

Mark Deal:

has grown up a lot since 2014.

Mark Deal:

And I think a lot of that is because of podcast movement.

Mark Deal:

We see apple, we see Google, we see the big companies come out,

Mark Deal:

show up and throw their marketing dollars at these fabulous boos.

Mark Deal:

There's another conference here that looks kind of shabby

Mark Deal:

compared to podcasts movements.

Mark Deal:


Mark Deal:


Mark Deal:

We're not going to say the name of the conference.

Mark Deal:

And I think podcasting has grown up in large part because of

Mark Deal:

Dan and Jared podcast movement.

Mark Deal:

So I would say.

Steve Stewart:

I hate to just repeat what he said, but that's

Steve Stewart:

really what I have told them.

Steve Stewart:

When I see Dan and Jared, I just thank them and let them know that

Steve Stewart:

I'm here to support them as well.

Steve Stewart:

And in volunteering is a great way to get involved with all of this stuff.

Steve Stewart:

So if somebody is interested in attending, but aren't sure about spending the money

Steve Stewart:

and stuff, you're going to, it's going to cost you money to get here and stay here.

Steve Stewart:

But volunteering gets you a free ticket and get you involved behind

Steve Stewart:

the scenes and you get to have those, those meetings with people.

Steve Stewart:

And then the next year you come out.

Steve Stewart:

So I'm making a two year commitment.

Steve Stewart:

Everybody's got to commit to two years in a row.

Steve Stewart:

Otherwise it doesn't pay off.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

Here's my answer.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:


Carrie Caulfield Arick:

What I would love to have is way more detailed technical tracks and perhaps

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

some sort of podcast editors conference.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

I want

Steve Stewart:

to change my answer today.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:


Carrie Caulfield Arick:

To go along with it, because I think it's just kind of diving deeper and

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

maybe that's what evolutions is for.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

I don't know.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

But again, that's like in Los Angeles and I don't like

Mark Deal:

to fly maybe if we could do that, but only

Mark Deal:

if we had a yard after party.

Steve Stewart:


Bryan Entzminger:

I think the carries right.

Bryan Entzminger:

Chocolate fountains.

Steve Stewart:

That's actually, that should have been an answer.

Steve Stewart:

Thank you.

Steve Stewart:

I just, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm not gonna imitate you and mimic

Mark Deal:

right now is like writing notes and they keep scratching through

Mark Deal:

because you keep changing your answer.

Steve Stewart:

I see in the keynote today, uh, yesterday morning or today

Steve Stewart:

from top, and it was yesterday morning.

Steve Stewart:

Sorry, anybody's listening to this.

Steve Stewart:

It's after that fact, your Google's not broken Tom Webster from the infinite dial

Steve Stewart:

Edison research towards the end of his.

Steve Stewart:

Sarah's keynote said he was talking about shows and you know,

Steve Stewart:

how long should your show be?

Steve Stewart:

It should be shorter than the one you just put out the last time.

Steve Stewart:

And he said, all shows will benefit from editing.

Steve Stewart:

So go to sessions sessions about editing.

Steve Stewart:

Well, if you look at those session list, there's almost none about editing.

Steve Stewart:

And the fact a couple of them that said they're about editing.

Steve Stewart:

We're not.

Steve Stewart:

Editing there were about constructing stories.

Steve Stewart:

So there's the storyline editing, different editing, not podcasts editing.

Steve Stewart:

So there is a need for that.

Steve Stewart:

And yes, Carrie, we've got to do something about it and I

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

would love to be able to do workshops, although

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

I know that's really hard, but

Steve Stewart:

well maybe if you and I, and we all get together, we can make

Steve Stewart:

the demand for them and they'll see

Mark Deal:

that needs podcast guests be dating.

Mark Deal:

So I think the ability to do podcast editing workshops,

Steve Stewart:

We'll just get re we'll, just have him rent us.

Steve Stewart:

Here's the idea.

Steve Stewart:

Everybody wants you to write in your answers.

Steve Stewart:

Uh, we want you to they'll give us tables.

Steve Stewart:

We'll bring our laptops.

Steve Stewart:

We'll bring headphones.

Steve Stewart:

We'll share with somebody.

Steve Stewart:

We'll instruct them how we do our, our thing.

Bryan Entzminger:

So I'm going to go ahead and agree with mark.

Bryan Entzminger:

This is my first pod cast movement.

Bryan Entzminger:

I have really no other frame of reference.

Bryan Entzminger:

I'm going to go with just thank you.

Bryan Entzminger:

Thank you for taking the risk.

Bryan Entzminger:

Thank you for putting it in Nashville.

Bryan Entzminger:

It should be here every year.

Bryan Entzminger:

Carrie agreed.

Bryan Entzminger:

'cause then mark can drive up and Steve can drive over and I can just live here.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

So if anybody wants to come to my house and like, watch

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

my cats, then we can drive to Nashville.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

I can bring the whole family.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

So that would work for

Mark Deal:


Mark Deal:

Senator mastermind live stream is about watching your cats.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

Yeah, but like the live stream comes with me.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

So I don't know how that can work or I could just bring the cats.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

So if there's like an Airbnb that takes cat.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:


Bryan Entzminger:

And for those of you that are listening, if you're not part of

Bryan Entzminger:

the podcast editors club or the podcast editor academy, I would recommend that

Bryan Entzminger:

you go ahead and start that direction.

Bryan Entzminger:

You'll become part of podcast editors club.

Bryan Entzminger:

If you're not part of the academy, check it out.

Bryan Entzminger:

There's a ton of stuff.

Bryan Entzminger:

And some of these opportunities come to academy members.

Bryan Entzminger:

For example, the ask an editor booth is promoting the podcast editor academy.

Bryan Entzminger:

So a lot of the editors are going to be connected to that.

Bryan Entzminger:

And that's a great way for people like.

Bryan Entzminger:

Who wouldn't ordinarily force themselves out of their comfort zones

Bryan Entzminger:

to put themselves in a place where maybe they don't know anybody, but

Bryan Entzminger:

everybody knows why they're there so they can start a conversation.

Bryan Entzminger:

So I would encourage that, uh, as we wrap it up, I just want to go around

Bryan Entzminger:

one more time and let everybody say who they were and where we should find him.

Bryan Entzminger:

We'll start with Steve and come back

Steve Stewart:

to me, cam Steve, I will only promote the podcast editor

Steve Stewart:


Mark Deal:

I'm mark deal.

Mark Deal:

And you can find me at the same time.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

I was carried Caulfield, Eric, but no.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

Who are you?

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

I don't know.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

No, no, no.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:


Carrie Caulfield Arick:

Um, Carrie Caulfield, Eric, you can find me@yayapodcasting.com.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

Don't forget to join the podcast.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:

Editors mastermind Facebook group to continue this conversation.

Bryan Entzminger:

And I'm Brian Ensminger.

Bryan Entzminger:

You can find me at podcast podcast, editor mastermind.

Bryan Entzminger:

You can find me@toptieraudio.com and unable to join us today was Daniel

Bryan Entzminger:

Abendroth, who is at Roth media audio.

Bryan Entzminger:

Thanks so much for listening and we'll catch you next.

Carrie Caulfield Arick:


Uh, so how much is that?

Steve Stewart:

Did you hit record?

Show artwork for Podcast Editors Mastermind

About the Podcast

Podcast Editors Mastermind
For Podcast Editors, by Podcast Editors
Are you a Podcast Editor? Or trying to become one?

This is the show for Podcast Editors, by Podcast Editors. We mastermind topics with your peers, with industry leaders, and even have a little fun along the way.

Growing a business as a Podcast Editor is challenging. It can also be lonely.

Follow or subscribe to the show, get involved in the Podcast Editors Club Facebook group, and stay in touch with the latest events and news through the newsletter at https://www.PodcastEditorAcademy.com/newsletter.

About your hosts

Steve Stewart

Profile picture for Steve Stewart
Steve has been editing professionally since 2016 and founded the Podcast Editors Club Facebook community.
He also co-founded the Podcast Editor Academy - which helps individuals build their own podcast services business. When he's not online talking about editing podcasts, you'll find him staring out his home office window at the Sangre de Cristo Mountains in southern Colorado.

Mark Deal

Profile picture for Mark Deal
Mark is a nationally recognized expert and local leader in Podcasting. He serves as the Organizer of Podcast Atlanta, the Founder of Podcast Guest Academy, and leads various communities in the podcasting industry. His primary focus is showing people how to take their podcast guest appearances from boring to soaring with measurable impact.

Jennifer Longworth

Profile picture for Jennifer Longworth
Bourbon Barrel Podcasting was founded in 2019 when Jennifer Longworth, with 14 years of audio editing experience, decided to get serious about editing podcasts for Central Kentuckians. Jennifer edits podcasts for established podcasters and helps new podcasters get started with the basics.

Bryan Entzminger

Profile picture for Bryan Entzminger
Analyst by day. Podcast editor by night. Usually caffeinated. Husband, father, Jesus-follower all the time. Cohost The Podcast Gauntlet, former host of Engaging Missions, and former cohost of Podcast Editors Mastermind.

Carrie Caulfield Arick

Profile picture for Carrie Caulfield Arick
Carrie Caulfield Arick is a nerd for sound, stories, and listening. She’s learned from and worked with the industry’s best producers in her role as writer, editor and sound designer. Carrie is a co-founder of the femxle podcast post-production community, Just Busters and co-host of Podcast Editors Mastermind. Oh, and she likes cats… a lot.

Daniel Abendroth

Profile picture for Daniel Abendroth
Hi, I’m Daniel and my podcast editing services will make your podcasts sound smooth and professional, while saving you time and money.